Following a successful audit process, Wozair is pleased to have achieved ISO45001:2018 certification. Transitioning from the existing OHSAS 18001 standing means Wozair is perfectly positioned to provide a framework to manage Occupational Health & Safety risks and opportunities.
Speaking about the achievement, Sarah Burns, Senior QHSE Co-ordinator, explains: “We have worked hard to ensure there is a Management System in place to make all our employees feel safer and have the knowledge that we are doing all that we can to eliminate hazards where possible and minimise risks. We are looking to continually improve on our processes, working in conjunction with our employees and the standard“.
Indeed, worker involvement is one of the key differences between ISO45001:2018 and OHSAS 18001. ISO 45001 requires employee training and education to identify risks and help create a successful safety program, allowing broader employee participation. Additionally, ISO 45001 follows a preventative process, requiring hazard risks to be evaluated and remedied before they cause accidents and injuries, unlike OHSAS 18001, which focused only on hazard control.
November 2020
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